It’s who we are, and what we do.
Working collaboratively is a dynamic process that reaches beyond settlement and compromise to achieve new learning, insight and understandings.

Tim Clarke | Collaborative Solutions
People talking with people who, given the space and opportunity for good process and communication, produce strong, innovative and sustainable resolution, solutions and direction.
Our diversity is an absolute strength if it is combined with respect, partnership and good communication.
“Ehara taku toa i te toa takatahi, engari he toa takitini.”
“Our greatest successes arise from working together.”
Our Services
Environmental Resource Use & Community Building
Pre-hearing meetings. Resource consent compliance. Community engagement meetings.
Governance, Strategy & Planning
Organisational planning and direction.
Board function, culture and problem solving.
Restoration from Harm
Safer communities.
Positive outcomes for:
• those harmed; and
• those who cause harm.
Family Resolution
Care of children (FDR).
Distribution of relationship property.
Capacity, PPPR and succession planning.
Mental Health Law
Having a voice, being heard and respected.
Striving for good life outcomes. Navigating the legal process.
Safe & Effective Workplaces
Internal conflict at all levels.
Conduct issues.
Bullying or harassment.
Team focus and direction.
Resolution of Business Disputes
Civil, contract and construction. Partnership resolution or dissolution. Resolving complaints and client issues.
Science & Engineering
Research and technology partnerships. Project planning (shared goals and outcomes).
Effective parameters.
Facilitated Video Conferencing
Facilitation of Video Conferencing.
Virtual Chair (governance and facilitation).
An incorporated law firm doing law differently
Environmental Resource Use and Community Building.
Well-facilitated Pre-hearing, Resource Consent Compliance and Community Engagement meetings that build strong communities and self-sustaining relationships.
Facilitated Governance, Meetings, Strategy and Planning.
Organisational ‘hot tubs’, Board Meetings, culture and problem-solving meetings, facilitated with a collaborative philosophy and skill-set, produce quality outcomes and build team capacity and resilience.
Restoration from Harm.
Collaborative restorative processes build safer communities and provide positive outcomes and support for those harmed and for those who cause harm (for example as a result of criminal offending, environmental breaches, workplace issues and injuries or professional negligence).
Family Resolution.
When family relationships break down, our calm and confident external voice assists families to agree on care of children (FDR), distribution of Relationship Property, Estates, decisions about capacity and pro-active succession planning.
Supporting Mental Health.
Supporting wellness and independence by assisting Clients to have voice, to be heard, to feel respected, and the support of an ally, as they work through the legal process.
Safe and Effective Workplaces.
Safe and Effective Workplaces. Independent expertise with resolving conduct issues, bullying or harassment, staff conflict and team direction.
Business Dispute Resolution.
In addition to stand-alone mediation and facilitation, Collaborative Solutions assists you to navigate resolution of civil and contractual disputes, partnership issues, and other professional complaints.
Science & Engineering.
Positive outcomes and efficiency through early facilitation of culture and protocols within project partnerships; or as independent mediators if issues are entrenched.
Facilitated Video Conferencing.
Innovative combination of audio-visual technology and facilitated communication enhancing progress and avoiding communication roadblocks.